Sparkle is our group for children up to reception age, parents & grandparents are always welcome to join the fun too!
We meet in the Stanley room, just off the worship space, during the 10:30 AM service
There is a small time together at the start
Every session we find something in our treasure chest that gets us thinking about a story from the Bible
the new things we discover about our friend Jesus, his helper the Holy Spirit and about Father God mean we usually want to sing and praise before we have a snack and then pray together
Then we have time to get creative and a bit messy with paint, or glue, water table or sand, and to play with lots of toys.
When we have finished, we join the main service again with our family for communion or the last songs
– which are a great chance to dance!
I wonder what we will find in our treasure chest this term?
We are going to be finding out about all the wonderfully colourful things God has made
Got a question? Contact us, at, or on
01636 815512