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Image by Jonathan Farber

Men's Breakfast

Men's Breakfast is on the 1st Saturday of Jan, Mar, May, July, Sept and Nov
Men's Breakfast is a chance for men to meet together, over a good cooked breakfast. There is a speaker who will talk on a subject of interest and relevance, featuring how faith has helped in the speaker’s life
Image by Nycholas Benaia

We start at 8:00AM with informal coffee and a chat


We enjoy a cooked breakfast from 8:30 - 9:00AM and then a person speaks about their life experiences, which includes their faith journey, for about 20 minutes followed by 10 minutes of questions


The morning ends at 9:30AM although you are welcome to stay on, for an informal chat.


There is no cost, although we do put out a bowl for a small donation


All are welcome for all or part of the morning

For more information, or if you would like an email reminder prior to the next event, contact us via


You can also contact us via to let us know you are coming, which helps to know how many we are catering for

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