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Image by Rosie Sun


Prayer is an essential part of our lives as Christians, it should underpin everything we do as individuals and as a Church


Communication is fundamental to all good relationships, that includes our relationship with God, it involves both speaking and listening


You can join with us at Holy Trinity in small groups, using our prayer diary, or join us before the services on Sundays

Prayer Resources

While some of these resources were specific to the summer holidays, there is a lot of useful content here. You can download a guide from Thy Kingdom Come using the button below

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Prayer Meetings


During our vacancy time we met to pray over the situation, to discern God's direction in all things. We also pray for current issues. We are now meeting on alternate Wednesdays in church, to pray as we anticipate our new vicar's arrival. Zoom is also available. Please see the church newsletter for more details


Prayer Triplets


Want to meet regularly to pray with two other people of the same sex?


Why not be in a prayer triplet


You can either form your own, with two others, or contact us and we will try and link you up

Image by Priscilla Du Preez

Holy Trinity Prayer Wall

 Please don't post anything you would not wish other church brothers & sisters to see, but do ask for prayer & share answers to prayer! 

Image by Elena Mozhvilo

Prayer around Climate Change


God of blessings, the universe sings of your glory.

Deepen our gratitude for all you have made 
and awaken in us a renewed commitment 
to care for the earth and each other.

Inspire world leaders with openness to listen to those most affected by climate change and with courage to act urgently and wisely, so that our common home may be healed and restored and all people, and generations to come, may delight in it.



Lectio 365 Small Group Teaching


The Lectio Course is a free small group resource from 24-7 Prayer which will equip you and your community to learn how to hear God, by praying the Bible


The course is based on Pete Greig’s book, 'How to Hear God', and explores the ancient practice of Lectio Divina


Learn how to hear God by praying the Bible together as a community


If you are interested

Image by Patrick Fore
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For Compassion's prayers about Climate Change

Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer


This God-inspired, awesome project in the Midlands seeks to share stories of answered prayer for the blessing of others


If you are happy to share your testimony anonymously of God's answer to prayer, do check out the website


Once complete we will be visiting the site to experience it in person

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For more information please contact Julie Barker at,, or on 07816046872

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